Call for More Research on Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury
Researchers are calling for more research on brain injury and domestic violence. Many will equate concussion with sports-related injury. But a concussion can be sustained from a punch to the [...]
YOGA for Post Concussion Recovery – Part 2
Last week you were introduced to a missing piece in concussion recovery, Empowerment. Now let's chat about why a concussion specific YOGA program can provide that missing piece. In Yoga [...]
Get EMPOWERED in Your Post Concussion Recovery – Part 1
Occupational Therapist/Yoga Instructor Shelley Latendresse coaches you through a 12 week Yoga based post concussion recovery program. Could this be the missing piece in your healing journey? Read on… Often [...]
Kris Letang Suffers a Second Stroke
Kris Letang, 35, defenseman for Pittsburgh Penguins suffered a stroke - his second stroke to be exact. Letang, a native of Montreal, Quebec, recognized and reported the symptoms to the [...]
Tribute to Michael Rossiter
The Brain Injury Community is extremely saddened by the passing of Michael (Mike) Rossiter on November 23, 2022. The one thing you could not do when you were with Mike [...]
Michael Coss Mentors UBC Healthcare Students
To know Michael, is to know his favourite quote, "Anything is possible, if you believe." As part of Michael’s ongoing commitment to making continued physical and cognitive progress, he is [...]
Anything is Possible
We're excited to announce our next event of 'Anything is Possible' is scheduled for Saturday, October 29th at 4pm (EST). We are thrilled to be joined by speakers, Sheldon Guy, and Janet [...]
Medically Assisted Dying & People in Poverty
A shocking 4 in 10 Canadians living in poverty are also individuals living with a disability. On October 8, 2022, Global News aired The New Reality report which states that [...]