Many people recovering from a brain injury face financial challenges during their recovery. They might not be able to return to work, they may require specialized housing, equipment and rehab, or medical supports and services that are not covered government funds.
Recovery from a brain injury can be overwhelming in many ways. People often require assistance navigating the complex legal, insurance and government systems, as well as advocating for their needs and rights.
Depending on the circumstances of your brain injury, there may be both funding supports and advocacy resources available to assist you.
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There are many specialized rehab and support services in the community that are not paid for by the Government. These are called “fee for service” which means they are not paid for by your regular medical plan. If you have an insurance plan some of these services may be paid for by your plan. Government funding is more limited.
Some of these services may include:
- Acupuncture
- Assisted Living/Care Homes/Residential Homes
- Behavioural Therapists
- Case Managers
- Chiropractors
- Driving Services
- Financial Advisers
- Kinesiologists
- Lawyers
- Life Skills Workers
- Massage Therapy
- Musical Therapists
- Neuropsychologists
- Nursing
- Occupational therapists
- Personal Care Attendants
- Physiatrists
- Physiotherapists
- Psychiatrists
- Recreation Therapists
- Rehab Yoga/Pilates
- Rehabilitation Assistants
- Social Workers
- Speech Language Pathologists
- Vocational Counselling
Insurance Funding Sources
If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle accident or at work, you may be eligible for funding through your insurance plan. This is often called “3rdparty funding”.
ICBC Autoplan
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- Review ICBC Injury Claims for information on accident benefits, settlement payment and the steps involved in claims.
- You may choose to hire a lawyer, who has experience with ICBC accident claims, to represent you.
- You might be asked to have many evaluations from different health care specialists to support your claim.
- Depending on the severity of your injury, your claim and accident benefits might be managed by a Claims Adjustor or a Rehabilitation Coordinator from the ICBC Rehab Department.
- The “No-Fault” Accident Benefit, often called “Part 7”, is a compulsory part of Autoplan coverage. In other words, no matter who causes the accident Autoplan pays accident benefits to all injured people in the vehicle. The vehicle must be licensed and insured in British Columbia.
- Accident benefit payments apply to any cyclist or pedestrian who is hurt by a vehicle that is insured in British Columbia, as long as the accident occurs within Canada.
- The maximum amount of funding through “Part 7” for medical and rehabilitation expenses is $150,000 per accident. Someone who has a job at the time of the accident, can also claim up to a $300 per week for the period of total disability.
- Compensation from the person who is at fault for the injury (i.e. who caused the accident)
- The goal of tort compensation is to put the injured person as close as possible to their pre injury position through financial compensation
- This process can take a long time and you may have to go to court.

ICBC Autoplan
Being in a crash can be stressful—recovery shouldn’t be. We want you to know we’re here for you. We’ll do everything we can to make sure you get the help and support you need.
WorkSafe BC Claims
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WorkSafe BC partners with employers and workers in B.C. to do the following:
- Promote the prevention of workplace injury, illness, and disease
- Rehabilitate those who are injured, and provide timely return to work
- Provide fair compensation to replace workers’ loss of wages while recovering from injuries
- Ensure sound financial management for a viable workers’ compensation system
- After a work-related injury or illness, the worker, employer, and the worker’s doctor must report the injury or illness to WorkSafeBC
- Review WorkSafeBC Claims for information on how to start the claim process. Also look at Rehabilitation and Return to Work and Services for Seriously Injured Workers
- If you had a serious injury a team of psychologists, case managers, medical specialists, and mental health support staff will assess your needs. Their role is to make sure that you have the support and resources needed to live an independent life

WorkSafe BC Claims
Our organization was established by provincial legislation as an agency with the mandate to oversee a no-fault insurance system for the workplace. To learn more about filing a claim click the link below.
Work Place Insurance
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- A form of income support related to a job and provided through an insurance company.
- Long-term disability (LTD) often involves two years of benefits while you cannot do your usual job. This is followed by an evaluation of your longer-term ability to do any paid job.
- Check with the insurance company’s Case Manager or Specialist about your plan. If you are able to go back to work, help might be available through a vocational rehab department.
- Pays for a variety of services and supplies depending on your specific plan.
- For example, some extended benefits pay for a private hospital room, ambulance, medicine, practitioners (e.g. physiotherapist, podiatrist), medical supplies, medical equipment (e.g. hospital bed, wheelchair), vision care
Government Funding Sources
After your brain injury, you may be eligible to receive income from the following sources:

EI Sickness Benefits
Apply at a Service Canada Centre or online. For those who qualify, Service Canada provides EI Sickness benefits for 15 weeks.

CPP Disability Benefits
- Supports severely impaired individuals (other financial assets are not a barrier)
- Allows earnings of about $4700 and possibly more per year
- Provides Vocational Rehab services for those who qualify for return to work
- Application forms are available at a Service Canada Centre or on-line

Persons with Disabilities Benefits (PWD)
- This is a form of income assistance for persons with severe disabilities who show financial need
- You can earn $500 extra income per month
- Provides valuable General Supplements and Health Supplements and Programs
- Apply at your local branch of the Ministry of Housing and Social Development or begin the application on-line at the Self Serve Assessment and Application site

Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP)
- A financial benefits program to assist victims, immediate family members, and witnesses in dealing with the effects of violent crime
- Helps offset financial loss and helps with the recovery from injury
- Go to the web site for specific information on financial assistance, available benefits and how to apply