You may already know about goals if you had therapy in a rehab program. But guess what? Goal setting works in real life too!

- An action plan is one of the small steps you work on in order to achieve your goal.
- It may take many action plans, over several weeks or months, to achieve your goal.
- Each week set an action plan, something that you want to achieve in that week.
- Setting a goal/action plan gives you something meaningful to work towards and continues to build on your skills and abilities.
- Achieving a goal/action plan increases your confidence and feels good.
- It is important to find ways to feel confident and hopeful about yourself and your condition.
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Goal Setting Tools

Making a Weekly Action Plan
You can use this template to help organize your week.

Goal Template
You can use this worksheet to plan out your specific goals.
Make a list
- Make a list of activities you want to accomplish each day or week.
- Don’t put too much on the list to begin with. Schedule these activities on a daily or weekly basis, whatever works best for you.
- Don’t forget to put your usual self-care activities (e.g. dressing, bathing, meals, etc.) in your schedule. You can then schedule other activities around them.
- Read the Tips for Managing Thinking Problems information sheet.
Pace yourself
- Pace your activities so you don’t overdo it and get overly tired. You need to make sure you always have some energy in reserve.
- Allow yourself more time to do an activity than you think it will actually take.
- Read the Energy Conservation information sheet.
Make it a habit
- Having a schedule and a “to do” list will remind you what you need to do.
- It will give you peace of mind that you haven’t forgotten anything or booked yourself for more than one thing at a time. It also supports you in having purpose in your day.