“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” ~Mother Teresa
We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to let you know about a new monthly donation campaign we’re starting up in March and invite you to participate.
Monthly donations are a great way to make a big impact and help us achieve our goals for the year. With your help, we can continue our work to create educational content on Brainstreams. Each month, Brainstreams has approximately 6,000 visitors to the website with an estimated 85% being new users. This tells us that survivors of brain injury, their families, caregivers, friends and support team are looking for encouragement, inspiration, information, and community resources. It’s imperative that we continue to produce up-to-date and relevant information. And for a limited time, we can help increase the impact of your gift.
Throughout March, create a new monthly gift of $20 or more in support of our charity through CanadaHelps, and CanadaHelps will make a one-time extra $20 donation to our charity!* You can read more about the full terms and conditions here.
Please consider creating a new monthly gift of $20 or more through CanadaHelps to support our charity. Your donation will help us achieve our goals and make a big impact. Thank you for your support!
BC Brain Injury Association
*Make It Monthly 2023 $20 Offer is valid for new scheduled monthly donations of a minimum of $20 per month beginning March 1st, 2023 at 12:01 AM Newfoundland Standard Time (NST) to March 31st, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST). CanadaHelps will donate to a participating charity an additional $20 for each new monthly donation of $20 or more that is made three times before June 2, 2023, to a maximum aggregate amount of donations from CanadaHelps to all participating charities of $50,000 CAD. See full terms and conditions: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/make-it-monthly-terms-and-conditions
How to Donate:
Your donation will help us to carry on with our good work. We will continue to advocate for change and to share stories of individuals and their families on the journey of recovery and rehabilitation.
Thank you in advance for your generous and thoughtful contribution.