BC Rehab’s mission is to assist individuals whose lives are affected by a physical disability. They assist British Columbians living with a broad range of disabilities as the result of a disease or trauma. BC Rehab disburses funding and provides support to individuals, organizations and programs throughout the Province. Contact Read more [...]
BC Therapeutic Recreation Association
BCTRA is a governing body that represents Recreation Therapists and Practitioners and their practice within the province of British Columbia. Therapeutic Recreation intervention is provided by trained professionals in clinical and/or community settings. Therapeutic Recreation is a process that utilizes functional interventions, leisure education and recreation participation to enable persons Read more [...]
BC Therapeutic Riding Association
The B.C. Therapeutic Riding Association is the provincial organization for groups providing horseback riding as therapy for people with disabilities. They are a registered charitable organization, committed to improving the quality of life for young people and adults who have disabilities. Located in: Fraser Health Authority.
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
The BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS) is a dynamic organization actively committed to promoting opportunities for participation, recreation, competition, and excellence in the sport of wheelchair basketball in BC. Contact BCWBS for more information about services available to individuals living in BC health authorities, including: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Fraser Read more [...]
BC Wheelchair Sports Association
Works with partners across the country to provide wheelchair sports opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities. They have a wide scope, providing programs for athletes from the grassroots to the Paralympic level, and develop world-class coaches, officials, classifiers and other sport professionals. Contact BC Wheelchair Sports Association for more information Read more [...]
BC 211 is the single point of entry phone line for information about programs available through several different provincial ministries. It is a confidential, multilingual telephone and texting service available in Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Squamish-Lillooet and Sunshine Coast Regional Districts and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a Read more [...]
Brain Gain Fridays
Hosted by the Vancouver Brain Injury Association, Brain Gain Fridays events help to stimulate brain activity for victims of brain injuries. Participants engage in neurologically beneficial exercises every week and frequent art therapy, music therapy, games, puzzles, social integration, and fun! Exercise is for health recovery for improved balance, coordination, and neuroplasticity.
Brain Injury Alliance
The Brain Injury Alliance is a province-wide organization in British Columbia composed of individuals and organizations working together to improve the quality of life for persons living with a brain injury, their families, and their communities. The Alliance was formed in 2014 to correct a serious health funding disparity that Read more [...]
Brain Injury Canada
Brain Injury Canada was formed with the mission to “improve the quality of life for those living with a brain injury, and their caregivers.” Note: This is a service that is available across Canada and is largely accessed online or by phone. The head office is located in Ottawa, Ontario. Read more [...]
Brain Resource, Advocacy & Information Network (B.R.A.I.N.)
Brain Resource, Advocacy & Information Network (B.R.A.I.N.©) is a support network based out of New Westminster BC that strives to meet the needs of survivors of brain injury, family members, friends and caregivers. They provide resource materials, advocacy for those in need of a voice, information reflecting the vast needs Read more [...]
Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
This is a national, not-for-profit organization dedicated to reaching every Canadian affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research. They are a dedicated team of volunteers, patients, survivors, family members, health care professionals and staff, determined to make the journey with a brain tumour one full of Read more [...]
Brain Tumour Support Group (Vancouver)
Brain Tumour Support Groups are a valuable opportunity for people with a brain tumour and their loved ones to share experiences and gain peer support in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. Groups meet monthly and are open to those 18 years of age or older. Participants are encouraged to share Read more [...]
Brain Tumour Support Group (Victoria)
Brain Tumour Support Groups are a valuable opportunity for people with a brain tumour and their loved ones to share experiences and gain peer support in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. Groups meet monthly and are open to those 18 years of age or older. Participants are encouraged to share Read more [...]
BrainTrust Canada (Kelowna Office)
BrainTrust Canada offers programs and services focused on prevention, education, and support. The primary goal of the support programs and services is to improve the lives of those who have been affected by brain injury. Located in: Interior Health Authority. Telephone: 250-762-3233 Email: info@nullbraintrustcanada.com
BrainTrust Canada (Vernon)
BrainTrust Canada offers programs and services focused on prevention, education, and support. The primary goal of the support programs and services is to improve the lives of those who have been affected by brain injury. BrainTrust Canada no longer has a physical office in Vernon, but still provides services there. Read more [...]
Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap: Getting Physically Active is a program open to all, regardless of age, fitness level, or injury. Getting physically active if you have a disability can be challenging and this program helps people figure out where to start, what wheelchair sports are available, how to get the right Read more [...]
British Columbia Association of Professionals with Disabilities
The British Columbia Association of Professionals with Disabilities is a provincially incorporated non-profit dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention, and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities. Our non-profit is solely and permanently committed to meeting the complex and emerging concerns of professionals with disabilities. We are a Read more [...]
British Columbia Psychological Association
Since 1938, the BC Psychological Association (BCPA) has represented psychologists in British Columbia. It is a voluntary body and is committed to advancing psychology and the psychological well-being of all British Columbians. BCPA seeks to maintain relationships with government with the goal of expanding the role of Registered Psychologists in Read more [...]
British Columbia Services for People with Disabilities
If you or someone you know is living with a disability in B.C., there are programs and services available that get funding of more than $5 billion each year. They are offered through government, crown agencies and corporations. Victoria: 250-387-6121 Vancouver: 604-660-2421 Elsewhere in BC: 1-800-663-7867 Outside BC: 604-660-2421 Telephone Read more [...]
Bulkley Valley Brain Injury Association
The BVBIA provides supports and services to people affected by brain injury and facilitates public education in all aspects of brain injury with an emphasis on strategies for prevention. BVBIA staff are advocates, support workers, good listeners, and community connectors. Staff are not clinicians, counselors or medical professionals and do Read more [...]